Prevention of Elder Abuse Neglect & Exploitation (P.E.A.N.E.) – community education and advocacy for the prevention of elder abuse, neglect and exploitation. Call us today if you are interested in hosting a community education session with your local group, business or organization. Let us help you learn the signs as well as how and when to report a situation.
All older people are potential victims of Elder Abuse. While Elder abuse is occurring in many domestic and institutional settings, it is frequently not obvious. Particularly vulnerable to abuse, neglect, exploitation and scams are elderly and disabled adults who are unable to provide for their daily needs or who are cognitively impaired.
Many victims are reluctant to tell anyone about the abuse because they may not see themselves as being exploited, or are ashamed that family members or caretakers, on whom they depend, have mistreated them. Victims often do not report abuse because they fear the consequences if help is taken away, or fear possible physical or emotional retaliation.
Livingston County Catholic Charities funded by Area Agency on Aging 1B has formed an Elder Abuse Coalition working hand in hand with The Liv. Co. Prosecutors office, Dept. of Health and Human Servcies APS, Michigan Prosecutors Association, Lakeshore Legal Aid Ombudsman, a financial advisor and Senior Volunteers. This group is working to educate the community, medical and banking professionals, seniors, family members and caregivers with regard to risk factors and community resources available to put a stop to such a crime